Why Decision Fatigue Can Lead You Away From The Perfect Domain

TrueName Domains
3 min readOct 28, 2020

According to Psychology Today, we make 35,000 decisions per day. Our brains hate it.

Studies show that over the course of a day the quality of our decisions begins to deteriorate due to mental exhaustion. That applies to everything from choosing gifts for your wedding registry to wartime battle strategy — and important business decisions are no exception. We choose imperfect solutions because they’re familiar, like automatically choosing a .com website domain even though it’s not necessarily the best expression of who we are or what we do.

Social psychologist Roy F. Baumeister coined the term “decision fatigue” to describe how stressful and draining it is to make even the tiniest choices.

Decision fatigue is bad for business, and your brand

This is particularly dire when you’re starting a new business and facing an onslaught of decisions about offerings, naming, brand positioning, fonts, logos, and more. Although choosing your domain name is one of the most important aspects of establishing your online presence, the number of options out there and the established “status-quo” threatens to overwhelm even the most enthusiastic entrepreneur.

Domain extensions like .services, .studio, .life, or .photos are specific, memorable, more authentic to a brand and its purpose, and more attractive for everything from social media to search results — all things that are considered essential to building a strong brand. Yet overwhelmed business owners go for the defaults of good ol’ .com, .net, or .org. Settling for “good enough” is fine for something inconsequential, but it’s a terrible approach to choices that form the foundation of your business. Why settle for the status quo when you can make a name for yourself with a more relevant, more modern, and more unique domain? Why be generic with a long, unwieldy not-quite-right .com domain when you can make a statement, branding your domain name both to the left and the right of the dot?

There’s one decision that’s easy

Fortunately, it’s easier than you think to quickly narrow down your options and find a domain that will strengthen your brand and help your business grow. Browse better domain extension options on TrueName.Domains. Find extensions that are most relevant to your product or service, or are the most complimentary to your brand or business name to the left of the dot. Head to your registrar’s homepage and search your business name adding “.”[TrueName domain extension]. A few will jump out at you as being especially relevant. From there, narrow it down to the one that’s the most accurate for your business.

Tip: Look for the TrueName shield for a domain extension that includes added protection from phishing attacks. You can brainstorm in advance by visiting TrueName.Domains, where you’ll find more than 250 options already sorted into categories.

Rather than deciding between two sub-par .com compromises, or considering “fad” country-code extensions like .co (Colombia), or .io (Indian Ocean), choose a domain that conveys something meaningful, expresses your brand, and sets your business up for the new internet.

Yes, our brains hate making decisions. But don’t let your brain chemistry result in a weak online brand. Getting the right domain might even be faster than cooking that meal kit dinner.

Find and secure a better and more memorable domain with TrueName.

Browse our categories now.



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